Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Women in Politics

The 21st Century has been a critical turning point for the United States. Not only has the events of 9/11 rock and shake the country around us but so has the need that arose to fight terror and stop terrorist that led to occupation Iraq Freedom and the following occupation and battles in the Middle East. The 21st Century has become a decade that is filled with hopes and unforeseen tragedies as we try to mend and fix foreign relationships and the state of our economy at home.

Yet, this has also become a turning point for women and their role in politics. On November 16, 2006, Nancy Pelosi was unanimously chosen as the Democratic candidate for Speaker. This made Nancy Pelosi not only the first woman ever to be speaker of the House but also the first Italian-American to become speaker also.

This election was important not just for Democrats or for those who were supporters of Pelosi's voting record, it was important for women because it showed you could be a woman and be a politician. Usually when we think of politicians as the mass media would have us believe we see the picture of the corporate white male. This image is all we see as "The Man" and someone who should be feared. By a woman being able to gain access and to break through the glass ceiling is critical for all the little girls out there who dream of becoming involved in politics. Why is Nancy Pelosi's election important then? It is when we discuss mass media because it is breaking mass media stereotypes and changing them but also conforming them with social norms because Nancy Pelosi must play along a thin line to appeal to different types of voters. Mass media helped in her election but it also can backfire in what she does once she has office. WHat other important women can we think of that are active in politics?

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