Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Last Post!

So, we've finally reached the end of the semester and now it is time for the last post. While going through topics to talk about I was not really sure how to end this blog or what would even be a good end topic.

Looking back over the course we've learned a lot of different things and expressed a lot of different ideas. It's important to create this open dialogue and it's important to try and see where people are coming from. This class has been informative and important in the discussion of how media affects our lives and what role the media should have in our own private lives and that of the public.

I would like to end this semester by talking about:

Lady Gaga

Now some of you may be wondering why I have chosen Lady Gaga and that's a good question! I picked Lady Gaga because not only is she a strong female performer but she is the optimality of what we have been discussion. If there is one thing we have learned in class is that mass media is everywhere and that mass media is swirling into one large object that dictates our lives, our ideals, and the way we communicate.

Lady Gaga burst out onto the scene in a flurry of glitter and in your face viral pop. Playing off aspects of Queen, Bowie, and Madonna she quickly picked up a number one hit with "Just Dance" and released a number of viral videos shot in French expressionist style as she created her "House Of Gaga" in which she played with Gay and Lesbian subcultures where groups of outcast would live in "house" with a mother as the head.


Now why is this important to mass media? Sure Lady Gaga isn't a diplomat, and no she isn't a politician but she got us talking and for that I respect her. She has played with and exploited this new face of media where to get famous there has to be a gimmick, a show, a full frontal assault on all of our senses. Now the media has to work its way into every aspect of our lives and it has. Now it no longer means anything to have talent (though she has it), but the way you package. We found this out when we pitched our cartoon creation since we had to make a kid friendly cartoon yet, we also have to think about pitches and marketing.

By being outrageous and over the top Gaga has created that "IT" factor as a performer that we look for. By spreading rumors and being crazy she has created a persona that makes us want more. Yet, she also keeps herself at arms length for rumor magazines, by controlling this tight knit image she makes it hard to really spread anything or everyone would believe it, thus making it hard to damage her career.

Thankfully Gaga has found the special ingredient for making it in the American pop scene and that to always keep them guessing. I hope when you see artist like Lady Gaga you think about mass media and the effect it has and that by manipulating it you can raise to stardom too.

So sit back, enjoy, and get into the grove:

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