Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Once again, women's health ads are getting crazier and crazier!

Now, I know I talk a lot about ad's and that we've moved on from advertising and how advertisers prey on women's insecurities to sell products, yet, I wanna talk about a certain commercial that just gets me heated.

Recently Reebok had put out a series of commercial that advertises for their new shoe line, easytone. Now the purpose of the shoe is that it is suppose to tighten and tone your hamstrings and improve the way your butt looks. I get it. What women wouldn't want her butt to look nice and sexy as she tries to impress everyone else around her~! Yet, what does this say? That it conveniently fits into our easy and instant gratification culture to just walk around and look fabulous? What does it show to young women who see these commercials and think that this is the way that their bodies have to look?

It would be easy to understand if Reebok appealed to women who wish to look "sexy" but these commercials don't even try to hide the fact that they are objectifying women bodies! They use "voyeuristic" frames to stare at the women and never come in to focus on faces, giving the feel that the womens individuality is not important, just her body. They do not focus on health and fitness but vanity and that being slim is more important than improving your health and that by being slim you are instantly better than other people.

Here are the three commercials produced for line so you can see for yourself:

Maybe it might be a bit crazy to get so upset over something so "harmless" and to not see where the advertisers are coming from but it is hard to over look the messages that they are sending. It also is important to note the messages that are being sent about being sexy and the importance on sexuality in the foundation of "you". That without being sexy you really are not worth anything. It's horrifying to know that advertisers now a days are so brazen in their attempts to sell shoes that they are not even masking the sex anymore.


  1. These ads are really absurd.
    I like that the only ad that actually gave the woman a face, completely ignored her. The message I'm getting is that these shoes are for the woman who feels like she is listened to too often and gets too much respect for her intellect and "inner self". :/

  2. The way that health is not emphasized in 'fitness' commercials really ticks me off. It's hard enough to get women into the gym to have their training sessions with me... most of them are really embarrassed about their weight. I feel like t.v. makes it twice as difficult for their self-esteem. They feel like they have to be in shape before they join a gym! And that is a direct quote from more than one client on more than one occasion.
